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 Social Media Advertisement and Posting it in other forum

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Posts : 2

Join date : 2016-05-30

Social Media Advertisement and Posting it in other forum Empty
PostSubject: Social Media Advertisement and Posting it in other forum   Social Media Advertisement and Posting it in other forum EmptySat Jun 04, 2016 8:56 am

Hello We all know that social media advertisement (like facebook) is the fastest way to have more players. Why don't you give a try to advertise your page and post in some forums like (symbianize, phcorner, pinoyden, etc ... ) . Also post in a fb groups that has a 100k+ members just like "samahan ng pogi at magaganda" lol. It was worth a try Smile lol!

Godbless Xtalia cheers cheers cheers
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Posts : 24

Join date : 2015-06-30

Location : Unknown

Social Media Advertisement and Posting it in other forum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Social Media Advertisement and Posting it in other forum   Social Media Advertisement and Posting it in other forum EmptyWed Jun 08, 2016 1:34 am

Great idea! but advertising on social media like facebook (page boost, post boost) costs a lot. but we will find a way on these! thanks for suggesting! You can also help us advertise the server Wink
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Social Media Advertisement and Posting it in other forum

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